70.3 IM Lanzarotte 2013 – pictures


Please find these pictures from 2013 70.3 Lanzarote Iron Man in La Santa.

Pictures are for free, you can download them and use on your facebook/twitter. Please keep our logo on them.
If you wish to receive them in high quality (full res) please send us an email: IM (at) runningsucks.pl with picture name you want to receive.
If you like our pictures you may want to consider sending us a donation to our PayPal account: aukrotuning (at) gmail.com . Thank you!


[alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”private_user_album” uid=”105918661959535424095″ ualb=”5931568470608113057″ authkey=”Gv1sRgCIXi5dyD1bWuSQ” imgl=”fancybox” style=”wall” row=”4″ size=”220″ num=”1000″ align=”center” max=”1000″]


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IV Półmaraton Szakala Łódź 2013 – zdjęcia

70.3 Iron Man Lanzarote 2013

70.3 Iron Man Lanzarote 2013 – zdjęcia i relacja